On bidding
Bidding is the process of competition between you and others interested in a particular woman, taking place on my Telegram. When a bidding is closed, a hierarchy of bidders remains. Logically, the highest bidder gets the first chance to chat with the woman. But as at this point there are still many variables (see below), the second, third, etc. highest bidders have a great chance, too.
Don’t be downhearted lamenting that all this is just about money. Definitely not. I will always consider other factors like your age (relative to the woman’s), physique, personality, where you live, etc. The highest bidders may have the first chance but the final result is not that straightforward.
My intention is not to create a ‘long shopping list’ of men from which the woman could whimsically choose. She is not told how many men are interested in her. She is introduced to only one man a time. She must either accept or reject you, but I don’t give her infinite choices. If she rejects many good matches without reasonable explanation she will be disqualified.
Before you can contact the woman we two will have a video-chat, so I can have an impression who you are. She needs to know your basics beforehand, too. I will show her personally your portfolio and talk about you. Only after she likes you can you begin to video-chat with her. It means that even if you won the bidding but she simply doesn’t like you, the second highest bidder gets the chance, and so forth.
You can participate on bidding of more women simultaneously. If you won several biddings at the same time, your portfolio, after checked by me, is shown to all the women preferentially. From those who like you you must chose one before a video-chat, with one woman a time, can occur.
The bidding:
The bidding is taking place on my Telegram (see the Step by step guide) and is done in USD. Its initial value is 1000 USD. Your first bid must be higher. The bid itself is only a number (example: 1500), but only in the case when your Telegram user name or first name is the same as your nick. Otherwise (your Telegram account doesn’t reflect your nick) you need to prepend every bid with your nick (example: HHK28AU 1500). This enables your identification. The expected final value (on closing) should be around a monthly salary. If it is much for you, then probably you cannot afford a stay-at-home wife, and this website is not for you. I invested a good amount of time, energy and money showcasing some of the finest women I met here. If you are on a budget, in the Payment section I give a hint how to find good women in India on your own.
When is a bidding initiated and when closed?
A bidding is initiated when the profile of that woman is published here on this website. Shortly after this is announced on my Telegram channel. Its closing depends on many factors, especially how many of you are interested in the first place. Because this matrimonial website is a brand new one, probably from the beginning the bidding process will take a longer time; with more women available and more men interested, shorter. By watching the situation, at some point I will decide and make my announcements on Telegram. It will be done always in advance of couple of days, the last day of hours.
When is the bid paid?
You are requested to pay only after you already video-chatted with the woman with a promising outcome, she likes you and you are ready to see her in person. There are no payments before it. Even then, first you pay only a reservation fee. The rest of your bid is paid only if you get engaged. See the details in the Payment section.
The variables why you as the highest bidder may be omitted:
There are the obvious ones like too great age gap, too different body types, but I take into account also personality issues like not being truthful, always trying to hide something, not ready for a family (wanting only a hook-up), non-masculine behavior which leads to incapability of keeping her femininity, etc. I am a matchmaker who tries to bring two people together for a future life, therefore I reserve the right to chose the best option for the woman according to my own conscience.
Bidding on a woman as such may stir up some unpleasant feelings but in reality resources are and always have been the fundamentals of family planning. Arranged marriages are still a staple in traditional and conservative societies such as India. An arranged marriage is neither a forced nor a blind one (although in some small communities it still may be such). Both the woman and the man must like each other but their selection is limited by the approval of their families. Marriage from love, more precisely from a honeymoon period of love, probably the only type of marriage in western societies today, has a very visible negative outcome what we all see around. Women in India, similarly to other Asian countries as well as to all non-western countries, are accustomed to acknowledge the resources a man can bring, because they still think in a traditional way when the woman stays at home with children and the man provides. Although this is systematically being ruined by western influence and especially by feminist ideology, there are still good women there. Many languages even don’t have a word-equivalent for ‘dating’ (i.e. having repeated sex without any commitment but approved by the parents) as this concept was unknown through history. Therefore it is common that an Asian girl after a week (or even earlier) already speaks about a family with you. (It actually means that she perceives you as a good husband.) You may think she pushes too hard too early, that she is most likely a gold-digger, but the truth is not that simple. In a sense she may be, but this is normal for a feminine woman wanting good resources for a family. The main consideration is whether she wants only your money or a life with you. So bear in mind, in the traditional sense for her there is no dating before marriage. I hope I find you women who are not brainwashed and still think in a biologically healthy way.