Your portfolio
Guidelines to your bio & photos, create your nick
Your bio with your photos comprise your portfolio. Must be truthful.
Privacy: Your portfolio is private. It will be seen only by me, your Matchmaker, and your chosen woman. By nobody else. It will be never uploaded to the internet or to social media, neither wholly nor partially. Even if you get to the point to be blacklisted, your data remain confidential and will be deleted.
Being blacklisted: A straightforward way to be blacklisted is to lie about your age, income, housing, job, or any other crucial statements in your bio or while having video-chats with me. You can’t base a good family on lies. Being blacklisted means my help finding you a wife is automatically terminated.
On some details in your bio
It is natural that you want impress a lady, but stay on the ground. Stating that you own a house but in reality you just renting, or not mentioning a mortgage, is unacceptable.
Create a nick: You are not required to disclose your name but you need a nick. It needs to be set up strictly from three distinctive parts. The first part of the nick is a choice of a word (no numbers), can be anything but need to be short. Examples: JP, John, bla. The second part is your age. If your birthday will occur in the coming 2 months, you need to adjust your age to this before it happens (ie. give your age one year older). The third part is your country – use common two-letter abbreviations like US, CA, AU, UK, IE, SE. If you are from the US you may, if you want, add your state also in a two-letter abbreviation: US-FL, US-NY.
Examples of nicks: HHK28AU, Aari35US, mascu30US-TX.
Your nick will identify you on Telegram and give others a very basic idea who you are, based on your age and country. The nick once created cannot be changed. Provide your nick also in all e-mail communications.
Address, city: Of course, the woman wants to know where you live. You must specify it in a manner that she can have an idea. There is no need to give the exact address, but a street name or at least a district name in a given city is required. For small towns the town name is probably enough. You too, I assume, want to let her know in which place she could live with you.
Age: Giving your real age is mandatory for creating a nick but is not mandatory to put it into your bio. Especially if you are a bit older and think it would be disadvantageous. In other words, if you don’t give your age in your bio, she will not be told by me at this phase. If you give, she will read it. The woman either likes you or not. If yes, you can video-chat, know each other better, and on some occasion you reveal it to her.
Height, weight: The infamous 666 hoe-standard is based on the imperial system of measurement and the life-style predominant in the US and UK. Although it has a great impact on not just English-speaking countries, most of the world uses the metric system and people there have a more realistic and healthy mindset. In short, just be taller than the girl, thats’s enough. Because most of Indian girls are quite short, all western men designated at home as short (in reality of average height) have a very good chance. As of your weight, if you are obese, don’t expect to be matched with a fragile tender girl. The photos reveal who you are, therefore there is no need to specify your height and weight in your bio unless you want.
How to create and send your portfolio
Follow the instructions. The portfolio itself and its sending have 3 parts: (1) the bio, (2) the photos, and (3) the e-mail.
(1) The bio
∗ Describe yourself, your life, job, where you live. Give all the important details. Your bio should be short but meaningful; everything what a potential wife should know. Resources, housing, mortgage, debt. Disclose your salary only if you want, but then truthfully. From your bio it must be clear (and as such stated) whether the woman can be a house-wife you fully providing or whether she needs to find a job. Give your location and age (non-mandatory) as stated above.
∗ Save your bio in an ordinary text file (TXT). A DOC file or PDF is also ok. Anything what Google Docs can open. Keep it simple.
(2) The photos
∗ The photos must include one or more portraits (only head, close-up), a half-body shot and at least one full-body shot with good details of your physique. No head-coverings. If you are working out, show your muscles. Give some images from your daily life or hobbies.
∗ The photos also must include your home and surroundings. Take pictures of your house/apartment, kitchen, garden, the street, surroundings, a park or nearby nice places – anything which can create an impression where you live inside and also outside your place. Show what you own: a nice car, a cottage-house in the wilderness, etc.
∗ Number of photos: 10–30.
∗ Resolution of images: No need for 4K, HD is enough – the photos will be viewed on a tablet.
∗ Obviously all your photos must be recent.
The text/document file of your bio and the photos make together your portfolio.
(3) The e-mail
∗ Zip your portfolio (bio with photos) and name it after your nick. (Example:
∗ Upload this zip file to a cloud like Google Drive and send me the link only. A good alternative is, a free service for sending big attachments on the fly. Your portfolio must be downloadable zipped and without signing up to some website.
∗ Don’t put your bio (text) into the content of the e-mail.
∗ Fill the subject of the e-mail this way: Portfolio of nick. (Example: Portfolio of HHK28AU.)
∗ Send your portfolio to
Once you created a nick always put it in the subject of all e-mail communications.
When to send your portfolio:
Soon as you joined the bidding on Telegram or realized you want to use this website seriously. You can send me right away in the beginning or during the bidding. If not, you will be requested in case you are between the highest bidders. But it is better that that time you already put your portfolio together, and even better if already sent it in advance.
Changes to your portfolio:
All changes must be done in a manner that I can simply replace the old bio with a new one or add some new photos. Don’t write me into the content of the e-mail that there is only one sentence added/changed. Just give a new text/document file. Clarify it in the subject of the e-mail this or similar way: Portfolio of nick – new bio / new photos to be added / complete new portfolio: replacement.