Step by step guide
Learn how to participate effectively
The basic idea behind this website and its bidding process can be summarized in the following: You can’t contact the woman directly (that’s why there is no contact info on her profile page) but she can’t choose from a long list of men interested in her either, because it is hidden from her. The first move must be done by the man by bidding on her on my Telegram channel (see below). She can accept or reject the winning bidder, but she can’t do it indefinitely. What I, your Matchmaker, try to do is to simulate the old-days scenario when suitors paid their visits to the bride’s parents' house showcasing their qualities and fortune. The bidding reflects and substitutes its initial phase. Economics were and still are the backbone of family planning. It was never the game of the poor.
Some elaborate topics – understanding bidding, payment, how to create your portfolio and nick – are described separately in their dedicated sections: On bidding, Payment, Your portfolio. Here they are put into context.
- Get a quick overview from the About section.
- Look into the Payment section whether you agree with the fee.
- Get a touch: browse the profiles from the Main section, look at the bios, photos, watch the videos. E-mail me if something is not clear or ask any question.
- Now, if you are serious finding a wife via this website, create a nick following the strict instructions given in the Your portfolio section. This will identify you on Telegram and is crucial when communicating with me. You cannot change it. Once you created it always use it.
- Make a Telegram account. Without it you cannot bid and contact the woman.
- It is advisable that you prepare your own portfolio in advance (see Your portfolio) at the beginning of, or at least during, the bidding. Having sent to me, it is kept private and is never published.
- Find the woman or women you are interested in. You can participate in bidding of more women simultaneously. Learn about the bidding process in the On bidding section.
- Start bidding. How? First send me a message to my Telegram (wifeselect) that you want to participate in a bidding. You will be granted access to a private group-chat. This group-chat is not public, i.e. only invited people have access. Within that group-chat there are folders named (in some shortened way) after each woman. Place your bid in the right folder(s) and watch other bidders’ activity. Follow my Telegram channel (wifeselectchannel) for announcements about the closings.
- After a bidding is closed and you won the bidding I will contact you, and later on we will have a video-chat. If you didn’t send me your portfolio yet, you will be requested to do so. After it, if I don’t see any incompatibility issues between you and the lady (see On bidding), I will personally present you – your portfolio and my impressions about you from our video-chat – to her. Now it is upon her whether she likes you or not. If not, the second highest bidder is in play. If yes, you are ready to video-chat with her. You can video-chat with her a couple of times. All video-chats with her go via my Telegram. Until now everything was free.
- To meet her personally you must come here to India. If you decide so, you pay a reservation fee. You have one month (can be prolonged) to accomplish the meeting.
- If you get engaged, and only then, you pay the rest of the amount from your bid. For details see the Payment section.
Telegram requires a phone number for creating and authenticating an account. Once an account created you can (and are advised to) set your phone number in the “Settings>Privacy and Security: Privacy>Phone Number” to “Nobody”. Your phone number will be hidden from everybody.
In the process of creating an account the app ask you to give a first name, surname and a user name. Feel free to give anything, you can change it later on. The best option is when your user name (or alternatively your first name) is the same as your nick. This way when bidding, you post only a number (example: 1500).
If you already had an account, consider to change either your user name or first name to your nick, for the time of bidding. Later you can change it back. If you don’t want to change it, then in every post you must prepend the bid with your nick (example: HHK28AU 1500).
In other words, every bid must be attached to a nick either by your Telegram account reflecting your nick or by prepending every bid with your nick. The bottom line is that others can have an idea who you are (based on your age and country as your nick contains these details).
In that group-chat there is a folder On women: ask me questions about them here, not in the folders where you put your bids. All invited participants can see it. If you want a private chat, write me to my Telegram (wifeselect).