
Description of all costs

When you won a bidding, or the winner is rejected by the woman and you are next, you are requested to send me your portfolio, if not already done in advance as advised. If I, the Matchmaker, don’t see any significant incompatibility issues between you and the woman, especially as of physique and age, your portfolio will be shown to the woman. If she likes you, you will have a video-chat with her. This can be repeated a few times. Right until now everything was free. Now, you must decide whether you want to meet the woman in person. If yes, you pay a non-refundable reservation fee of 1000 USD. It comprises the time and energy I spent with the matching.

Then we, you and me, make plans of your arrival. You must come not later than in one month from the date of your first video-chat with the woman. If you don’t come your match will be terminated with no refund. If you can’t come you can prolong your reservation for an other month for an additional non-refundable 1000 USD. But you can’t do this endlessly.

After arrival, you are with the woman, going out with her, seeing her parents and friends, etc. You reach a stage when you should decide whether you want an engagement or not. Please, read my article Dating is not a thing in traditional cultures in the My thouhgts section. If you can’t make your decision in a given period of time, the woman, her family, her friends will think you are not serious and want only a hook-up. An engagement is a serious commitment towards a possible marriage. But nobody will force upon you a marriage if after the engagement things don’t turn out well. If you get engaged, and only then, you pay the rest of the amount from your bid. This is refundable for a period of one month when either side can initiate a breakup, but from your side it is applicable only if you haven’t had sex.

Quick summary: The first time you are requested to pay is when you are ready to meet the woman in person (after she liked your portfolio and having a couple of video-chats with you with a promising outcome). You pay a non-refundable reservation fee of 1000 USD for a month which can be prolonged for the same amount for an other month. The rest of your original bid has to be paid only when you get engaged. Under some conditions (see above) this is refundable.

Payment options: Common payment cards, PayPal or bank transfer (to a bank in Prague) – will be specified in e-mail or in person.

A reflection on the costs

Consider this. If you want to find your woman on your own, you need to come here and put yourself into a longer process of searching and vetting. There are beauties everywhere but big city girls are a big challenge everywhere. Feminism in Indian cities is rampant. Don’t be blind thinking that all women here are super feminine awaiting just you. Yes, tradition is strong and women obviously want children, but you can find similar women everywhere: sexy but combative, family-oriented but not respectful, and divorcing. University educated Indian women are brainwashed with leftist ideologies as elsewhere. Don’t be naive. For good women you definitively must go outside tourist destinations, and cities. It takes time, constant planning, energy, and of course, money. You are always moving, renting a car, and need some help from locals, who you must also pay. Moreover, you need to know how to ask out a woman in an appropriate way knowing the cultural boundaries. In some villages where traditions are very strong, an inappropriate behavior could result you run for life. For example, kiss is traditionally understood as part of the sexual act itself, and so kissing in public, still in many places, is not well tolerated. With such a playful act, in some communities where public opinion is still held in high regard, you can literally ruin a woman’s reputation. Though in modern cities you can try your luck more safely because cities are overall westernized, but such are the women themselves living there with all the negatives coming along with it. Unless you are overly lucky and you meet your woman on the first day arriving, you will be quickly exhausted. After a couple of weeks you realize what you have already spent is more than I ask, not to mention that you are not making money at home.